App Smashing
App Smashing is....
the process of using multiple apps in conjunction with one another to complete a final task or project.
We constantly hear, "There's an app for that!"and there is but finding one app that does EVERYTHING that you need to create a project is almost impossible especially since every project requires different aspects and final product. App smashing allows you to use different apps to get what you want. Many of us do this without even thinking about it but being aware of the process allows us to teach it more effectively to our students and be more efficient with the process. Most apps fall into level 1 or level 2. Level 1 are easy apps to use that create products that can be "smashed" into a level 2 app.
Here is an example:
In my classroom I have app Monday. I take a about 20-30 minutes every Monday to introduce new apps. Most of these apps are ones that they later can and will use to create projects some, are games to be used in a center. Here are some examples of what I mean:
Apps to be introduced (the order will depend on what we are doing and what I need them to know)
songify sock puppets edmodo
tellagami puppet pals sushi monster
animator skitch google earth
write about educreations
books on ipad tinytap
pixntell paperport notes
scribble my story dropbox
book creator animoto
funny movie maker imovie
toontastic prezi
There are many more that we use but these are the ones that I want everyone in class to know how to use. I introduce the app and then give them time to play with (alone or with a partner) and then we conclude by talking about it - what they can do with it, what they liked, what they want to figure out, it leads to some great converstations!!!
Here is the prezi I created and used:
Video of how it works:
Great guide:'s%20Guide.pdf
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