Monday, November 12, 2012

Suburban, Rural, Urban

I love social studies and science because there are so many great hands on projects that go with it!! In reading and math there are great things as well but S.S. and science just seem so hands on and project based!! So what we did for communities was so much fun!! Of course we started with building background knowledge, watching brainpop jr. and then we jump into research! We LOVE research! There got into groups of 3 and then researched suburban, urban and rural communities and then each group made an example of each. Here's how they turned out:

How To: Take a square piece of paper - the larger the square the larger the triangle will be - Fold the paper diagonally, both ways and then cut on one fold to the middle of the paper - then glue one triangle over the other so you have a flat bottom and two triangle sides. The kids loved this and it is so easy they can do it!!