Saturday, January 21, 2012

Guided Reading Idea #1

Last Monday when I presented at our in service I had a blast!!! I was so nervous - I had even made my mom, who is a 1st grade teacher, come to my school on Sunday so I could practice on her. Turns out I liked presenting and they liked what I had to say!! So I am really fired up about my blog and sharing my stuff. A lot of what I do, make and share is something I get from someone else and then tweak it to fit what I need. I will always do my best to share the original source/idea so you can have both and make it fit what you need! is one of those ideas I loved and then made it fit what I needed. 

Awhile back I was looking for something for my high groups. They are reading chapter books and I had them filling out chapter summary pages. It was a lot of copies and well, I just didn't like it. Then I came across bookmarks at and I loved it!!! But then I had trouble with the books. They are awesome but I needed something a little more generic so I could pull it out for anything - even when they choose their own. So here is my version:

My groups love this and so do parents. I have gotten that now they can read and write in the car on the way to a practice and that it's easy to keep up with. Plus when we get together to discuss what we have been reading it gives us a starting point. I love seeing what they write and it leads to great discussions. Let me know what you think!!


  1. This is what my second graders are working on now in reading before we move to problem and solution. This is an awesome idea! Thanks for sharing :)


  2. Quick and easy - I love it. Thanks for sharing!


  3. Great idea! Thanks for sharing.


  4. Love, love, love this idea! This is exactly what I've been working on with my 2nd graders this quarter, and I love this format. Thanks for sharing. I'm your newest follower.

    Hello Mrs Sykes
